Friday, February 4, 2011

Keeper Strength Rankings

This chart shows the teams who have established the best set of keepers. Granted, it might be slightly skewed depending on which players I chose off every team but it is impossible to know who everyone is going to pick with all of their keepers. So I chose the player I think were the best on everyone’s team.

I made these rankings and grades by first looking at current ADP reports for a few different websites. I combined the three website rankings to place an ADP number on each player. I then chose the highest ADP values for four players on each team. I combined the ADP values for the top four players on each team and that is how I ranked the “Talent”.

Example: Pujols (ADP-1), Voto (ADP-4), Halladay (ADP-21), Bautista (ADP-40) = Overall ADP 17

The “Value” is ranked and graded by looking at the ADP number for each player. I then placed a number on each player for which draft pick they are currently being kept with.

Example: Youk is the 148th overall pick in our draft, but his ADP is 27. The difference is 121. The combined total numbers for every player is used to establish each team’s keeper “Value”.

The “Overall Grade” takes into account both “Talent” and “Value”. This is personal opinion, but I place a much higher rating on the talent portion than the value portion. So what I did was triple the talent grade and combine it with the value grade. The outcome would be the final GPA.

Example: Duke received a B+ for talent and a C- for value. (B+)+(B+)+(B+)+(C-) = B (GPA-2.90)